Laser Treatments

At Laser Hair Removal and Skin Center on Arlington Blvd, Greenville, NC, we are excited to offer the new Motus AX laser for hair removal. This innovative device offers faster and more comfortable treatments compared to typical laser hair removal methods, and it requires fewer treatments for optimal results.

While historically the Alexandrite laser has been the most effective for hair removal, it has been limited in treating darker skin types. However, the Motus AX laser changes that by being the first high-speed Alexandrite laser to effectively treat darker skin types. This is made possible by the Moveo technology, which delivers fast and efficient energy to destroy hair without any side effects or pain.

With the Motus AX laser, patients of all skin types can now benefit from the effectiveness of Alexandrite laser hair removal. We are proud to offer this breakthrough technology to our clients at Laser Hair Removal and Skin Center on Arlington Blvd, Greenville, NC.

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